The All-Natural Way to Lose Weight

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Next Step

So I've been studying all the information and details of the Plexus products as well as doing some serious considerations of what our goals are, specifically, and what steps we should take to get there. This next step is a bit intimidating though, actually taking the plunge, putting myself out there and asking people to believe in me, follow me and take the plunge with me. I've actually already had some success in this first week. I had the pleasure of signing up my first Ambassador! I've also had several people ask me about Plexus - that is always great.
But the bigger next step is hosting our own Opportunity meetings. Next Tuesday we (my parents and myself) will be going to one of these meetings as kind of dry run, to see how it is done. It will kind of be like wading into the shallow end of the pool instead of just jumping into the deep end first. After that however, we are going to dive right in and hopefully never look back. We've got our business cards and promo materials ordered and on their way, ads placed in the local paper and on-line to draw in folks outside of our circles and after a light redecorating of the lobby in my parents' office we will be ready to bring in the public and help others lose weight and achieve their own financial goals. I'm so grateful we found this opportunity, or it found us rather and I'm excited to watch it expand and work for us as hard as we work for it!

If you are interested in any of the Plexus products and want to learn more about them OR if you want to become an Ambassador to reach some or all of the financial goals you have for yourself/family then I suggest you make out to the BGR Joint, Tuesday the 29th at 6:30pm for this meeting. The hosts are a husband and wife team and have had great success with their Plexus company, they are a wealth of information and encouragement. You can RSVP here if you'd like to let me know you're coming. And if you've found this blog from one of my ads and you come to the meeting be sure to ask for me (Dana) or my parents (Steve and Patti) so we can be sure to welcome you!

Oh and I have my first testimonial husband! He doesn't have a lot of weight to lose so I am very interested to see how Plexus helps those of us just wanting to get that last 10-20 pounds off. Stay tuned for updates on his Plexus path.

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