The All-Natural Way to Lose Weight

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Making Money With Plexus

So, the plan is as I learn more about the Plexus business world, then I'll share those insights with you. One thing that is a little overwhelming when you become an Ambassador with Plexus is their extensive compensation plan. It's overwhelming because there is a lot of compensation, there is not just one way you earn income and it is not the normal way these "relationship marketing" businesses usually work. Plexus really does work for you just as much if not more than you work for them. You make money off of the products you sell of course and I'll explain more about the commission bonuses in a later post but today I'm going to explain more about the profit sharing. I still am not an expert at all of it but last night at our Opportunity Meeting one thing really clicked with me - the power of 3...

Plexus lets you make money off of the 7 levels down from yourself - this is called your downline. The way you do this is through Plexus Points (or profit sharing). Each person you sign up as an Ambassador is worth a certain amount of Plexus Points then each person they sign up is worth Plexus Points and so on and so on up to 7 people deep. At the end of every month 50% of all the sales of Plexus products goes into a pool of profits to be shared among all the Ambassadors. The amount of money then determines how much each Plexus Point is worth. So however many Plexus Points you have is multiplied by the dollar amount of an individual point and you are sent a check! The great thing about this is that you NEVER loose these points, you don't have to reacquire these points every month. Plexus Points will never be worth less than $1.80 and recently they have been worth between $3.00 to over $4.00. Here is a little illustration I whipped up to hopefully help make this a little clearer:

And here is where the Power of Three comes in. Once you have 3 Ambassadors signed up under you, you move up to Silver Ambassador level which means that every Ambassador under you down to 3 levels is worth 5 Plexus Points each. Getting 3 people to sign up under you should be your first priority in growing your Plexus business. Then you support each of them to get their 3 people then help them support their 3 to get 3. Getting 3 Ambassadors is not a problem for anyone, especially with a wonderful product like Plexus and the amazing results that you'll be able to share personally. Once these 3 levels are secure and set in motion the other 4 levels will follow quickly without any work from yourself and soon you'll be making thousands of dollars each and every month. Setting a very achievable of 3 Ambassadors is beyond quick and easy for anybody and will just explode once the ball starts rolling. I just met a husband and wife team the started their Plexus business about a year and a half ago, after a slow start to growing their levels they now have 1,200 Ambassadors in their downline! Just one of their profit sharing checks was $4,500 this month! That blows my mind because that is before all of their commission check - that is just from their downline!

And the husband/wife team is key too. If you can do it, sign up together because then your downline tree doubles since you'll be have your own downlines with the money all going to the same account ;) So that is our next move, I'll sign up my hubby as one of my Level 1 Ambassadors then I just need one more to move up to Silver Ambassador.

Again, this is just one of the ways you make money with Plexus. I'll tell you more about the other ways as we go along but if you want to learn and explore on your own go to my website and click on Business Opportunities to look over the compensation plan and as always, feel free to ask me questions.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

William's Story

Here is a very interesting story from a young man who wanted to lose weight and improve his health, but at first didn’t feel that Plexus Slim was working for him. However, he stuck with the program and look at him now!!

"Dear Plexus,

I would like to Thank You for helping me transform my life. I'm William M., 26 years old and from Louisville Mississippi. I first found out about Plexus Slim "The Pink Drink" from Ambassador Shirley M. during December 2011 at my computer repair shop.

As you can see from my Before picture, I had a belly and I had completely filled my shirt and even had a double chin. These pictures were taken while on vacation during the summer of 2010. I decided to order Plexus Slim after seeing first-hand results from Shirley and her daughter.

I received my first supply of Plexus on January 7, 2012, and I was weighing in at 245 pounds when I began using it. I was actually larger than the picture above indicates. I had already tried many weight loss programs, diet pills, you name it - drinking diet green tea every day, walking every night. None of those diets had helped me lose any weight, so I was going into this not expecting any real results from Plexus Slim.

After using my first month supply of the Plexus Slim, I did not see the kind of weight loss that others had experienced. I honestly nearly gave up on the product.

However, I did notice immediately that I wasn’t eating as much and my cravings for food and snacks began to stop; yet my weight wasn’t going down. An employee of mine who also uses Plexus Slim and has become an Ambassador herself, Shana M., reassured me that I was probably losing inches so I kept on drinking the drink and I'm glad that I did.

March 2012 was very different for me. I had slimmed down to 220 pounds and I noticed that my belly was starting to slim down as well. I was feeling much better and sleeping good at night without getting up.

I started realizing that Plexus Slim was working for me and I had a real chance to get the weight off. I recently broke my goal of getting to 200 pounds about three weeks ago. This morning is Saturday, May 19, 2012 and two weeks from my 27th birthday. I hit the scales this morning weighing in at 190 pounds.

I have lost a total of 55 pounds on this product. I got my mother to take some After pictures of me.
I am currently still drinking the drink and am now taking additional Plexus products that include the BioCleanse and ProBio5. The biggest thing about the Pro-Bio5 is I can go to sleep at night and I can actually sleep all night without getting up.

When I first ordered Plexus Slim I wasn't interested in selling the product at all, but on March 3rd 2012 I signed up as a Plexus Ambassador and have been marketing my success story. When people ask me, "How are you losing all of that weight?" I tell them it’s Plexus Slim! I have since ordered Plexus for myself, family and others that want to try it.

Now I would like to share my story because it does really work on young guys like me and maybe there is someone reading this that needs Plexus Slim. I would like to say this has been the best weight loss product that I have come across. I hope that if you’re considering giving this a try that you will do so as you may see the same results that I have and you will have a better life because of it."

William M.
Louisville, Mississippi

If you want to learn more about how Plexus can help you on your way to wealth, health and weight loss let me know, I'd love to chat or visit my website here.

The Next Step

So I've been studying all the information and details of the Plexus products as well as doing some serious considerations of what our goals are, specifically, and what steps we should take to get there. This next step is a bit intimidating though, actually taking the plunge, putting myself out there and asking people to believe in me, follow me and take the plunge with me. I've actually already had some success in this first week. I had the pleasure of signing up my first Ambassador! I've also had several people ask me about Plexus - that is always great.
But the bigger next step is hosting our own Opportunity meetings. Next Tuesday we (my parents and myself) will be going to one of these meetings as kind of dry run, to see how it is done. It will kind of be like wading into the shallow end of the pool instead of just jumping into the deep end first. After that however, we are going to dive right in and hopefully never look back. We've got our business cards and promo materials ordered and on their way, ads placed in the local paper and on-line to draw in folks outside of our circles and after a light redecorating of the lobby in my parents' office we will be ready to bring in the public and help others lose weight and achieve their own financial goals. I'm so grateful we found this opportunity, or it found us rather and I'm excited to watch it expand and work for us as hard as we work for it!

If you are interested in any of the Plexus products and want to learn more about them OR if you want to become an Ambassador to reach some or all of the financial goals you have for yourself/family then I suggest you make out to the BGR Joint, Tuesday the 29th at 6:30pm for this meeting. The hosts are a husband and wife team and have had great success with their Plexus company, they are a wealth of information and encouragement. You can RSVP here if you'd like to let me know you're coming. And if you've found this blog from one of my ads and you come to the meeting be sure to ask for me (Dana) or my parents (Steve and Patti) so we can be sure to welcome you!

Oh and I have my first testimonial husband! He doesn't have a lot of weight to lose so I am very interested to see how Plexus helps those of us just wanting to get that last 10-20 pounds off. Stay tuned for updates on his Plexus path.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Begin the Journey

My husband and I are like a lot of you; we want financial security, which we have thank God but we also want to be able to both stay at home with our children. That particular part is a little more difficult. The obvious way to accomplish this is to be our own bosses but with all the "work-from-home" scams where do we start? Which do we choose? It has been so distressing sending my husband off to his 13+ hour a day job each day where he is not appreciated and continually broken down by the mass public. I've been keeping an open mind and spirit these last years, knowing that, in time, our answer would come.

Enter PLEXUS. A good friend of mine started taking some dietary supplement to lose weight. I would see her Facebook posts be evermore encouraging and positive as she began to not only see the weight and inches come off but all experience her energy levels increase. And she did all of this without changing her diet. Then she posted a picture, a "before" photo next to an "in-progress" photo. I had seen her several times those past several weeks but that picture showed the dramatic change in her. I knew PLEXUS was the real deal! Check out how amazing she looks.

Then I learned about the product, how it is all-natural with only a few ingredients. It was started as a product for diabetics with the joyful side-effect of significant and easy weight loss. The company discovered that it was a safe and effective product even non-diabetics so they started offering to the public. After that, PLEXUS's sales shot through the roof to say the least. I introduced my own parents to it and they loved it from day 1. They noticed it working right away. They were so thrilled they decided to start selling it themselves. So then, of course, my husband and I asked ourselves if this could be OUR opportunity. We would be getting in on the ground floor (not a totally saturated company like Mary Kay or Pampered Chef), it's a product we can believe in and with the 10 ways we would earn income we feel like this is how we are going to achieve our goals.

I'm going to keep this blog to track our progress to help others that may want to make a similar journey plus I'll throw in some testimonials that I get along the way. So, join me as document this journey and please share my story with others and let me know if you want get started towards your own financial freedom path and I'll set you up!